In this project, I am visualizing the process I had to follow in order to live in the Netherlands with my ex-partner. As a Moldavian citizen, I was not allowed to be in the European Union for longer than 3 months. The Dutch government provides a set of exceptions in regard to this rule and together with my ex-boyfriend, I decided to get a Residence Permit for Partner. In order to obtain it, both of us had to comply with a set of requirements and rules. Additionally, there was a need to provide numerous proofs in order to demonstrate that our relationship was legit. With this paperwork, I am emphasizing the ridicule of this process and how much power the government can exert over an intimate relationship.

The exhibition that I presented in front of my class and tutors at Willem de Kooning Academy consisted of three parts: the paperwork displayed on a thread is the only thing to be seen at first. Then I start to take down one by one and destroy them through a shredding paper machine. As I do this, a beamer starts to project a compilation of text messages and letters I exchanged with my ex-partner.

With all these layers of my project, I want to communicate the contrast between the 'perfect couple' image that was shown to the Dutch government and the reality of a long-distance relationship.

The performance: